BONARKA OFFICE CENTER B4B, KRAKÓW Lead time: VI. 2010 – V. 2012 Realizacja stanu surowego otwartego budynków A, B, C oraz D centrum biurowego B4B Bonarka Office Center przy ul. Puszkarskiej w Krakowie.
Hall in Niepołomice Lead time: X 2011 – VII 2012 Group TAKBUD performed foundations for steel structure production and the work of the shell and finish options object.
Alf – Sensor, Zabierzów Lead time: V 2007 – XII 2007 Expansion and reconstruction of the production hall of the Department of Precision Engineering Alf – Sensor in bierzów.
Ziaja building, Skawina Time: VI 2010 – VII 2011 The building is located in an industrial zone in Skawina is a local distribution center Ziaja. It has a storage, wholesale cosmetics and medicines, and some of the rooms for administration and social division.
Multi-storey car park, Tychy Time: IV 2014 – IX 2014 Group TAKBUD performed reinforced concrete structure in the construction of parking garages in Tychy.
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